“ESC adds great values and experiences to you and your life.” ~ Bugche Bozkurt
Hey There! My name is Bugche and I will be sharing my ESC experience;
The short-term ESC at SYNCRO, Croatia was a wonderful experience. Mostly in terms of gaining Social and Civic competences. Living with wonderful people altogether sharing everything like a family I think was the best part of this experience as well as the hardest. Spending quality time with people all over the Europe was very helpful in terms of breaking cultural boundaries that I was curious on. I will be forever grateful.
However in terms of work I also had some precious experiences, I overcame my fear for working with children and it was very joyful to prepare workshop as well as participate at the other team members’ workshops. The time I spend at JRS (Jesuit Refugee Service) was very important for me. The youth I worked with there and the way of expression and comfort that was born after well-communication made me realize I can do every possible cultural and creative event/project or activity I want with any diverse group.
I also had great time at workshops we refer at SYNCLOUD. This was more community focused youth workshops but most importantly it was where all the volunteers were together. Synclouds were in a way our teambuilding exercises which got us closer to each other. I enjoyed every part of it.
Everything about SYNCRO and the ESC project ‘CHANGE’ was once in a life-time kind of experience and from the bottom of my heart I really appreciate the effort of everyone who took part in every event and shared memories with me for the past 2 months. I strongly believe everyone needs an experience as such. It was scary to think we would share 10 people on living space, in a country with different life style different culture and have the energy to work with kids and pensioners at the same time… yet it felt like a big bubble of unknown but once I started working and living here I was scared that the end will come which it eventually did. As I said I will be forever grateful and thankful for everything.
I strongly believe every young person deserves such a life changing experience and it is great to be scared to try such opportunities, no matter how experienced you are in life you gain new values. I believe this is one of the most important things we need to consider, our experiences makes us who we are and believe me ESC adds great values and experiences to you and your life.